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Post by CaptainScott »

Saturday was a beautiful day!

We woke up, had breakfast, and headed up to the marina with our pressure washer!
My beautiful bride spent the next few hours down below just picking up, cleaning, arranging things, etc.

For the next few hours I could be found topsides pressure washing almost a years worth of moss, mold, mildew, and black suit from various sources near the marina! I started with the port side hull. Then went to the bow, topsides and worked my way back!

It is amazing that even with regular washing that she can get SO dirty! I think I might have been one of the first this year pressure washing as everyone who walked by commented and complimented the cleaning I was doing. Well except one fellow. He looked like someone stomped on his foot! LOL! Very sour and angry!

Admittedly I tend to get very thorough and take a lot of time! Multiple gas tanks and hours later I tapped on the hull and called my bride to come look.

It was a lot of work and Destiny looks great for the effort however the smile on my sweethearts face makes it all worth while! LOL!

We'll be going out Friday evening, topping off the 40 gallon diesel tank which we do twice a year whether we need it or not, and doing some whale watching! Guess the greys are in the sound now. The kids will come with us and likely bring their dogs too. If there is no wind we'll just putter around until sunset and enjoy the evening!

In about a month, Destiny will get hauled out and the work truly begins! Oh the labors of love!!

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Post by astrorad »

That is great Scott...but too much work for the likes of me.
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Post by CaptainScott »

I doubt that Bill!
I've seen some of the impressive effort you have put into your baby!


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