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Sail care

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:33 am
by mariner
Since I will not be sailing my new boat this year I have some time to do a little work on it, one
of the things that I did was to look at the sails and see if they needed any work, they are in
very good shape however the previous owner had some "racing" numbers stuck on the sails
and they are cracking and falling off in some spots. I have read several posts on the web
regarding removing numbers, I can just peal mine off (although it takes a long time) and the
goo gone works well as it appears that there is not a lot of goo in here comes the
question, the sail cloth under the letter is stained and a shadow is visible, i tried washing the
area gently with a washing detergent (oxy clean for laundry) it did not really do anything.
does anyone know what product could be used to clean the sails? I will post a photo of the
one number removed. thanks for the help. ( i also read about using acetone and soaking the
area with it but im not sure that is a good idea and im not sure what the purpose is, is it to
help peal off the numbers or to clean the sail or both, any insight would be welcome.) are
there any products that should be used for sail care? thanks

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:37 am
try goo gone, I wouldn't use acetone... looking for trouble