Bilge board repair LS-16

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Bilge board repair LS-16

Post by jungleboater »

Hello, I’m new to the forum and sailing so forgive any of my amateur mistakes that I make.

I have a Lonestar 16 that I adore and I’ve had for about five years. However, yesterday, my bilge board housing cracked and water started coming in pretty significantly. It seems like the whole area around where my port side bilgeboard is potentially rotted wood or broken fiberglass. I’ll try to put a picture on here for you guys to see.

Do any of you have experience replacing billboards on a lone star 16?

I really don’t want to put more than $500 into this if I don’t have to and wondered if there’s any cheap fix to make it work and keep the water from can coming in? Thank you all for your wisdom and shared knowledge.
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