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C22 mainsail backhaul

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:38 am
by Papax3

I've been searching all sort of images on Google, and through the Chrysler Sailboat specs./ rigging data {stumped}, but I'm still trying to figure out what the original running rigging configuration is supposed to be on my C22, where Mainsail backhaul is concerned.

Port side of boom, closest to transom, has a small clam-cleat facing bow to stern, intended to clamp at the bow-end. It also has a riveted pass-through upside down "u" at about the same spot.

At the boom end, there is no block, no turn-around that I can tell, and other than using the clevis pin itself as a turn-around, I'm not sure what was intended.

Starboard side of the boom looks reefy, with a small surface-block towards the boom-end, and a clam cleat all the way at the mast end... sort of a jiffy-reefing type setup.

I'm not real happy with the backhaul setup, given that tensioning the foot of the main is cumbersome, difficult {not smooth}, and that it generally seems to slip, with no way to really keep tension on the foot.

PICS of your setup would be greatly appreciated!
I realize there are a billion ways to do it, but mine is currently a make-do situation. I'd like to be more sure of the correct way, since I want to install a system that allows me to quickly transition into reefing the mainsail.


Bill Williams

Re: C22 mainsail backhaul

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:12 am
by EmergencyExit
Papax3 wrote: At the boom end, there is no block, no turn-around that I can tell, and other than using the clevis pin itself as a turn-around, I'm not sure what was intended.
Stock setup should have the block at the boom end.. ... 22boom.pdf

Don't have pics but on EE I Just had another block lashed further up the boom so at least the line turned around and came back towards the cockpit so I didn't have to get on the cabin top and pull forward on it..

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:45 pm
by CaptainScott
I use the same set up as factory. Only difference I had was I went with a loose footed main.

I also added a topping lift to the boom for when stored with the mast up.
I ran a tiny steal cable from the top of the mast back to the boom but about 2 feet short. Added a turning block at the end of the lift. Then tied a line to the end of the boom, ran it up through the turning block and back to the boom and into a jamcleat.This allowed for an easy adjustable lift!

Very cool , useful, and easy!
