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Stay length question

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:40 am
by trev

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:20 am
by Windward
As you point out, the "official" numbers are quite diverse for the 26'9" mast. If I were you I'd still measure my own rigging; even if it has stretched a bit, it will be close and would at least permit you to determine whether either of the published dimensions might be the correct spec for your boat.

A rigging vendor to determine how much stretch to expect. If your own rigging is tightened all the way and is still too long, you could subtract perhaps half of the adjustment range from it and go with that. If the shrouds are also too long, it's possible that the mast step has compressed somewhat over the years. Adding a 1/2" or aluminum plate beneath the mast step hook could compensate for that.