Great evening sailing . . . . . .

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Great evening sailing . . . . . .

Post by CaptainScott »

I was contacted by a friend. His uncle had not been sailing in 20+ years.
So last night we ablidged as did the weather gods!

In Destiny, we left the dock at 6:00PM and it was blowing 15. Our intent was a dinner sail. To help keep Destiny flat for dinner I put out 3/4 main and just over 1/2 of the jib. We sailed along at a lazy 4 kts for about ten minutes and were thinking of food. Diane,my bride, made some wonderful home made chili. Trisha brought some great cornbread and drinks!

Well, Poseidon must have thought we were doing something good! An unexpected clear front came in and the winds jumped to 25 kts in literally a few minutes. NOAA issued a weather broadcast and initiated a small craft advisory. This new wind caused Destiny to be way out of balance because the main was most of the way out. She had heavy weather helm.

The best measure generally is to loose some canvas on the main. Well . . . . that did not happen.

Instead I let the Genny the rest of the way out! This promptly gave Destiny much better balance, much more power on the sails, and a fantastic ride for her crew! We sailed for over an hour hitting speads of 8.1 kts! What a ride! We did not soak the toe rails however in 4' seas we did take some spray from the bow!

Predictable as a clock, the sun set low on the horizon and the wind came to an abrupt stop. Literally dropped to 2 kts with puffs to 4.

So, out came the chili, cheese, sour cream, corn bread, and drinks. Side note: Destiny is a dry boat until at the dock or the anchor is firmly set. A hard fast rule I stand by. So we had a beautiful dinner with five of us sitting in the cockpit watching the sun set as the seas went flat and the wind finally completely died!

But wait, there's more! LOL!

As the sun went below the horizon all were sitting facing West to watch the pink sky. I got up, went below to quickly put some things back in the fridge and turn on the nav lights. My bride had beat me to it! What a gal! she'd already turned them on! Love that girl!

As I came up the companionway All were still looking West and the sun had dipped below the horizin. I scanned my eyes around looking for other boats and as I looked East, just then rising was an almost full moon peaking over the top of the mountains! WOW! I said look everyone!

So we sat for another ten minutes just watching the moonrise! Absolutley beautiful!

As we were motoring back at maybe 3 kts the moon positioned itself right next to the towers on one of our aircraft carriers! Number 72 the Abraham Lincoln is in port now. Trisha attempted some photos of this beautiful site! I hope they come out. She promised to send compies to me and I'll post them.

Well, it slowly got darker, we motored in so slow because no one wanted this particular evening to end.

I seriously could not planned an even sail better than this!

We buttoned up Destiny, double checked the lines, put the cushions away, packed up the food and generally horsed around.

As we disembarked, Roger put his hand out and thanked us profusely.
Stan and Trisha also thanked us and we all walked back to the cars.

WOW! What an evening sail!

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Post by EmergencyExit »

I just don't get no better than that, do it ? Sweet.
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Post by Lucky Jack »

Very nice story well told. Thanks for sharing.
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Post by tgentry »

Now that's what an evening sail is all about!

On a power boat you get there in a hurry, on a sail boat you're already there!
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Post by Bhacurly »


I was driving home from a stressful afternoon/evening at work at 2000 hrs,, went over a railroad bridge and saw the moon coming up over the spokane valley. I thought to myself, I bet there's someone watching that moon coming up on a boat somewhere and I instantly relaxed~

I'm glad it was you and yours Scott! Sounds like a great evening to me!
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Post by FranS »

No had a camera by any chance?????
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Post by mga1951 »

We just got back tonight from a wonnderful sail here in central ohio.
The winds were 10 -12. Temps in the low 70's, and the moon was a GIANT orange ball. Loved it. I love this time of year.
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Post by sauerleigh »

The first mate did not want me to get a sailboat, she wouldn't talk to me for two days after I bought the Maudie Kay. She was real upset when I told her I wanted to go halves on another sailboat. She wouldn't even go on board the Catalina 25.
I asked if she'd like to go down to the lake this evening, even if only to sit on the boat. The winds were a steady 8 mph, asked if she'd like to at least motor around a bit. Five minutes later I had the main up and she was at the helm for about one hour. She never thought she'd be sailing a boat at 62 years young.

8 26 10 (2) by sauerleigh, on Flickr
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Mario G

Post by Mario G »

Hey Scott It sounds like a great time by all. I love being out at sundown and if the Wx is right theres nothing more relaxing then a night sail.

Pictures would be nice since you know things like that look a little different when your on the wrong coast. :lol:

Sauerleigh before you know it your 1st mate will be like mine and dragging you to the boat to go sailing,
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Post by anotherfng »

Stories like that are what keep me motivated when i get frustrated while working on my old girl!! Keep em coming, and by the way that was very well written! Put some more stories like that together and I'll buy the book. :D
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Post by CaptainScott »

Thanks for the kind words everyone!

I will indeed post any photos the Trisha provides to me.
I did not take my camera this time. That is a rare thing for me because I'm a bit of a camera buff.

The photo I wanted was the lower center portal on Destiny was almost in the water as we raced across the Sound. Waves submerged it breifly at times and I was kicking myself for not bringing the camera!

OH well.
Hope Trisha comes through!

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