It is the hope of the management that this become a friendly and useful exchange for anyone interested in Chrysler Sailing, and sailing in general.

In keeping with this, there are a few ground rules:
1. Please, keep discussions CIVIL and "family friendly" This should be a safe harbor for sailors of all ages.
2. No profanity please.
3. No harrassing other posters please.
4. No posting links to ANY adult oriented sites or other sites that may be deemed offensive. This is to be a safe harbor for sailors of all ages.
5. Any attachments found to contain virus' could result in the banning of that poster. (so be sure you know what you are attaching please)
6. No commercial advertisments please. (unless specific permission is obtained from administration)
7. Avatars MAY NOT contain inappropriate material (ie. Spam!!!!!!!!, illicit drug references)
8. Have fun, try and share great information, stories and ideas about our mutual hobby of sailing.

How do I post??
There will be no anonymous postings allowed. To post you must first create a profile. In the profile menu you can create a number of personalized settings. You can even have an avatar provided it falls within the size limits.
You can create polls, use smiley faces (simply by clicking on the emoticon) you can use BB code (a description of codes can be obtained by clicking on the underlined BBCode under "Options") Some things BB Code allows you to customize is size and color of fonts, quoting, links, and many other cool options.
You can preview your message before you post it by choosing preview at the bottom rather than submit, this is a good idea which allows you to make sure things look the way you want and say what you want

Last thing, the Administrator of this board reserves the right to delete any posts deemed to be offensive by the admin. This board exists at the expense and therefore, the pleasure of the administration. It is my desire to make sure that this is a pleasant place to exchange ideas, but it will not be allowed to be used as a soap box for things deemed offensive by the administrator of this board. Thank you for understanding.